Saturday, February 23, 2013


Everyone loves a GIVEAWAY!!  Head on over to my Teacher Notebook store where I am giving away my Glogging All About Reading to 2 lucky winners!  Go ahead check it out!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I'm excited, I'm intrigued, I'm ecstatic, I'm stumped...I just got a new IPAD to use in my classroom with my students.  I was ready, but now I need to hear from those of you that have experience using them in their classroom.  I know I can use it as another computer, but I want to really get everything I can out of my new resource so I need you!!  Please share with me your ideas on using an IPAD in the classroom.

Dana :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Wow, February is already here!!  I welcome February because it gets me one step closer to spring!
Anyway I'm linking up with Farly from Oh Boy Fourth Grade for her Currently...

Here is what I'm currently up to...

What are you currently doing?

Dana  :)

Friday, February 1, 2013


Yay!  It is a SNOW day for me!  Sorry I had to start that way!  I love snow days, but even more than that I love Friday Snow Days!!  Anyway I was looking into adding a couple of new things to my TPT store and today was the perfect day for that.

I don't know about your school, but where I reside higher order thinking is huge!  Think about your questions, think about how challenging your questions are, post your questions, etc.  Anyway I had created a Fraction Pack last year for just that...higher order thinking.  So far (to my amazement) it has become my most popular product.  I love you all for that!!  :)

I decided I would throw another product up that was along the same lines and see if you guys could use it too!  I sure hope you can.  This one too focuses on fractions, but it deals with the dreaded wonderful improper fractions, mixed numbers, and problem solving.  If you are interested check it out here!  It is entirely aligned to Common Core for 4th grade and has been a tried and true in my very own 4th grade classroom.

BTW I'm joining TPT for their annual Super Bowl Sale.  All of my items will be 28% off!!


Now...I'm off to load my cart!

Dana  :)